A large majority of Petalumans who responded to the March 26, 2009 online poll have been pleased with Green Waste’s garbage service.
Of those responding to the poll, 88.7 percent said they were pleased with the company’s service, while only 9.9 percent indicated that they were displeased.
More than 85 percent of the respondents said they had been recycling more since Green Waste began service in Petaluma three years ago.
Respondents indicated a wait-and-see attitude toward new waste-service provider North Bay Corp., with 67.6 percent indicating they were not sure the new company would be able to perform up to their expectations.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey:
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“Green Waste has been superb.”
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“I sure hope they have to provide the same level of service as Green Waste. I would like to see better street sweeping in my neighborhood.”
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“We hope they continue to have single-stream recycling! And we hope the bills don’t go up.”
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“I liked the fact that Green Waste also recycles engine oil and filters and collects yard waste every week. Their trucks are quiet, service response is great. I hate to see them leave.”
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“The street sweeping has been great. Our gutters have been kept clean and odor-free!”
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“Green Waste was as efficient as any other garbage hauler and much cheaper!”
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“North Bay will be able to perform to my expectations if the rates remain the same and they provide three large garbage cans ” one for garbage, one for recycle and one for yard waste ” as does Green Waste.”
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“I think North Bay Corp. should be all right if everything stays the same ” same-day pickup, same time, same containers, same price and same rules. The reason I recycle more since Green Waste started is because they gave recycle cans with wheels. I was not able to carry those crates to the curb when filled and was not going to leave them on the street like some did. It makes the street look awful when everybody just leaves their garbage containers on the curb forever because they either can’t move them or are just plain lazy. If you have a neighbor who can’t move their can, just help them. I do.”
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“I liked GW’s ongoing information and ideas in their newsletters.”
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“As much as I like Green Waste, it is an outrage that they sold their contract without approval from our City Council.”
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“North Bay should have had the contract to start with. Let’s clean house on our City Council.”

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“Why did the price go up so much?”

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“A very positive experience dealing with garbage! Go figure. The trucks in the morning were much quieter than the previous Waste Manage-ment trucks.”
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“So the low bidder gets the contract, but we pay more.”
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“Can Green Waste legally leave Petaluma? What’s the point of a contract, if they can just leave whenever?”
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“Of course Green Waste did a good job. They were the high bidder. North Bay can even do better, as now the low bidder, being more efficient, can expand services. Maybe the city should renegotiate for a lower contract.”

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