Most of those responding to this week’s online poll said they were happy that Target has opened in Petaluma. About 70 percent said they were glad to have the new shopping opportunity, while about 26 percent were not. A small percent weren’t sure. The comments, however, showed that opinions are still split over the merits of the new shopping center.
Here are some of the comments.
“Tax dollars staying in Petaluma.”
“Another junky store for Petaluma. How about bringing us companies that offer real jobs?”
“I no longer have to drive (and send my money) to Rohnert Park for sundry things like toilet paper and cleaning supplies. I will, however, continue to shop locally for food, clothing and the other things that keep Petaluma so vibrant. It is one of the things that makes our town so great. There can be a happy balance!”
“If I wanted Target I would live in a town that had one. The shopping center exit is terrible. Not an asset to the city.”
“Finally I don’t have to leave town. Just spent $200 at Rohnert Park and Santa Rosa Targets.”
“I am a senior on a fixed budget. In the past I have begged rides to Rohnert Park to shop at Target grocery. I save $1 or more on each item over local grocery store prices. The prices are amazing. And Target’s Up ‘n Up store brand has proven an excellent value in both savings and quality. Target’s grocery prices per item even beat Costco’s. The new store is welcomed by me and by other seniors I know in Petaluma.”
“I am thrilled that we now have access to more junk! Let’s make haste and fill our houses with it.”
“It’s about time Petaluma got much-needed retail. Can’t wait for the Deer Creek center to open next.”
“It’s not Target in particular that I have a hard time with. It’s the large influx of stores and restaurants that have been built in Petaluma in recent years that have made this town less attractive to me. I value beauty, nature, and quality of life over how many places there are to spend money. For me quality of life is a slower pace, sustainable living, and relationships with people and nature. I’m fatigued with money being the bottom line in Petaluma.”
“Far overdue.”
“It is nice to be able to walk to Target, but not sure that it is something Petaluma had to have. Unfortunately, East Washington Place is the most pedestrian-unfriendly shopping center in town. Such a huge, frustrating disappointment.”
“What we need are quality stores, not low quality ones.”
“There are big traffic issues that have not been addressed. We don’t need big box stores — instead we should be investing in our community, with emphasis on education and recreation for families.”
“A long time in coming!”
“I am happy we finally have shopping opportunities in town. Target is only one store in that shopping center. I am happy we have all the stores, which include Dick’s, Sprouts, Home Goods and TJ Maxx!”
“I think Target will take away a lot of business from KMart, CVS, Kohl’s, Raley’s and other stores. There are only a set amount of grocery dollars to go around and Target and Sprouts will definitely cut into business at our many other grocery stores.”
“I will never set foot in there.”

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