
Nearly four out of five people whom responded to the Argus-Courier’s online poll Oct. 23, 2008 said that teen drug and alcohol abuse is a problem in Petaluma.
However, when asked if the problem is getting better or worse, nearly half (47.1 percent) said they were not sure. No one felt it is getting better, while 23.5 percent said it is getting worse and 29.4 percent said it is the same.
Most respondents (52.9 percent) said they are concerned that police budget cutbacks for special assignments will hurt anti-drug and anti-alcohol efforts in Petaluma.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey:
“I don’t think police can do a whole lot about drug and alcohol abuse. It is up to the community and parents to provide a rich life and opportunities for their youth ” as well as fix the dark future we have constructed. Kids today grow up hearing about all the catastrophes our generation is creating for the future. No wonder they often feel hopeless.”
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“Alcohol and drugs are a major problem for teens in Petaluma. Being that I come from that background, and it wasn’t too long ago when I was a teen, I’m saying from experience that most teens with active unattended social lives have this problem.”
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“Where are the parents?”
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“Teen drug and alcohol use and abuse is one of those things that’s always happened and always will happen. No matter how much money you throw at it, teen alcohol and drug use will persist. According to Ben Franklin, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”

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