More than half (66.7 percent) of those responding to our March 22,2012 online poll said they agree with the Petaluma Library advisory board’s decision to postpone an upgrade to the building.
Of those commenting, 25 percent disagreed with the board’s decision and 8.3 percent were not sure.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey:
“Bad timing in this economic downfall. Who’s paying all these taxes? The poor, mostly.”
“Didn’t they just remodel it a few years ago?”
“Has anyone been to the library during the day? Creepy. Homeless men on the computers clicking through pornography. Peeing and defecating in the bushes around the building. Drug deals on the corner. Tear the building down! We are paying millions to keep up the local dump. I take my children either to Sonoma or Rohnert Park libraries. At least we don’t feel like we are in the Tenderloin district there.”
“If you dont have the money you make do with what you have. When the economy comes back then do it. Maybe, they shouldnt have put copper on the East Washington side and saved a few bucks?”
“I know it’s a sacred public service, but almost no one even uses the library anymore since the Internet. With all the homeless living there, I won’t even visit with my kids. Save the money for our animal control services.”
“I no longer allow my children to use the library due to the homeless people camping inside and outside of the library. On one occasion, we had to walk past a fight to leave. The sight of a very smelly man with urine soaked pants getting up from one of the chairs were the end of our library visits.”
“It’s not clear to me why the board has decided to postpone the upgrade. Objectively, the Petaluma Library certainly needs an upgrade. Doing an initial Google search doesn’t yield a lot of useful information about the possible upgrade. Is the postponement to address gaps in the proposal, shore up additional funding, improve/refine upgrade design and objectives? Is it due to lack of funding? I’m most interested and concerned in the libraries ability to continue to offer and expand its services as one of the last bastion of community centers where everyone is welcome.”
“They should do it now. What guarentee is there that the money will come this way again?”
“Library has shortened hours, seems hardly worth it in these tough times.”
“Our library is an important asset to our Petaluma community. Hope the board can come to a better decision soon.”
“Seriously? Didn’t the library just do a remodel a few years ago? Where do they get the dollars? There are far better things in need of upgrade than the library — schools, pot holes, etc.”
“The library is long over due for an overhaul! The pros outweigh the cons in this issue. We can deal with it being shut for a period while they upgrade.”
“It is a hideous building — so outdated inside and out. Keep the new wing with the casino copper on the outside and demo the rest. It’s just awful. The last time I was there, I couldn’t find a place to sit as the homeless guys took up a lot of seating. Libraries are being forced to be everything to a community, not just a place to get reading materials. No entity can be everything to a community, so it is on a collision course for failure. It’s time for the public to realize that if they want a library where they can pick up a book or a place to read, that is becoming a thing of the past. Now they must provide a place to learn how to use a computer — must provide tutorial services or space for tutors — everything but a nice quiet place to read. It’s off the charts crazy what the Feds are requiring. Just another Federal intrusion into your lives.”
“It is outrageous as to what is happening to our libraries. Some are permanently closed and others have such limited hours. They need to be upgraded and need money to buy books. If it weren’t for the Friends of the Library, I am afraid they would close them. Our future is at stake. Education in California and other states is appalling. We need the libraries for our young people to go to anytime to get books, to study and also volunteer at the libraries. Our schools and libraries need help. Please volunteer. Do what you can to help them.”
“Seriously? Didn’t the library just do a remodel a few years ago? Where do they get the dollars? There are far better things in need of upgrade than the library — schools, pot holes, etc.”
“The library is long over due for an overhaul! The pros outweigh the cons in this issue. We can deal with it being shut for a period while they upgrade.”
“They should do it now. What guarentee is there that the money will come this way again?”
“We continue to defund our public education, schools, libraries, parks, health care and other critical public services necessary for democracy, no less for our wealth, safety and prosperity. The 40-year-old political movements to defund and shrink our public services is being successful — this postponement is just one small but important piece of the picture. Thank you Ayn Rand, libertarians, anti-taxers and the corporate elite for helping destroy our city, state and nation.”

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