More than half of those responding to the Argus-Courier online poll thought that Petaluma should consider outsourcing its animal services. Roughly 60 percent believed that the city should consider this, while 34 percent did not. Around six percent of voters weren’t sure. Here were some of their comments.


“We need to outsource more services, not just the animal control. We could save a bundle.” ——

“Not if it means cutting the pay and benefits of the employees. I’m tired of civil servants getting the shaft. We work hard and deserve the money we get. If cuts have to be made or the number of animals needs to be reduced then so be it, but the employees should not be laid off. Stand up for the people who work there. I am quite sure a nonprofit could give better service to the animals but we are talking about living, breathing human beings here, we matter too. I say for once let’s side with the humans. We are union members and have a right to the wage we earn.”


“I think this is a highly progressive idea. Genius.”


“Yes, absolutely. If there is a nonprofit entity that is interested in taking over control of the animal shelter, the possible upside is tremendous. A prior nonprofit proposal, presented to the City of Petaluma last year, included a plan to save the city a significant amount of money and increase services to the animals. If an outsourced organization can provide the current level of service the city is providing, plus add services such as basic obedience training and socialization for the animals, it will be a win-win for the city, and especially for animals in need.”


“But there also needs to be a real mechanism to ensure that the outsourced services are at the same level or enhanced. In my experience with outsourcing of services (I work in the Marin Department of Public Health, where this has occurred over the past few years), while there is discussion about oversight upfront, once the service is outsourced there is little or no community oversight to ensure that promises and services are kept.”


“Petaluma should outsource Animal Services only if it outsources the Petaluma Police Department, if we’re really serious about saving money.” ——

“Private industry can do everything better than government. We won’t have to pay for bloated pensions and excessive benefits. Outsource the City Council too.”


“Consider it, yes. It doesn’t hurt to explore options. However, the way the City Council handled the feral cat ordinance gives me pause that they even give a hoot about animals.” “Animal services has played a big part in the community all these years. The two people who act as animal control officers are part of this community and they have young families to support. The Police Department only cares about their pensions and if outsourcing can keep two people employed and save money then that is the way to go. Enough with adding more to the unemployment line to save union pensions


When the question is phrased in the manner that you did, I would be hardpressed to say anything but yes, but, who will take over the shelter and will they truly “enhance” or “preserve” the current level of service? I don’t know, no one knows, because we haven’t seen any information on the one viable bid, the Petaluma Animal Services Foundation. Sorry, but I need more information.


Usually the term “outsourcing” is a code word for ‘costs the taxpayers more money.’ Let people keep their jobs, and eff the ‘poor’lice’ (police).


I’m all for it if it will make it better. I’ve called numerous times about a dog next door barking all night, almost every night, making sleep impossible, but nothing is ever done. I have dog crap I always pick up in my front and back yards everyday. Nothing is ever done about loose dogs. I won’t even mention people and their cats crapping on everyone’s yard. I’ve spent a small fortune on ways to keep them out of my yard along with their crap but nothing or no one helps. I’m not the only one. I hear it from lots of people.


A city is valued by the way it handles animal control services. If they outsource this service it is telling all that they don’t really care about the animal population. They will find out that they will not save any money and the kill rate will incise dramatically. A private concern will not care about the animals, only the bottom line, thus a very high kill rate. Is this what the city council wants to be known for?


While we’re at it, why don’t we outsource the City Council, if doing so would improve the level of service? We sure aren’t getting our monies worth from the current bunch.

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