The majority of those responding to this week’s Argus-Courier online poll said that Petaluma should pass an ordinance banning smoking within 20 feet of a bus stop. More than 61 percent said Petaluma should pass a ban, while 35 percent believe it should not. About 3 percent weren’t sure.
Here are some of the comments.
“10 feet is enough.”
“Although I wish these kinds of laws weren’t needed and that some smokers would be more considerate about second-hand smoke and litter, this seems reasonable. I could see an option to allow smoking at a bus stop if no other people are present.”
“As an ex-smoker, we should make smoking as difficult as possible. It is an an awful substance.”
“For God’s sake, let up already! I hate second hand smoke as much as the next person, but smokers are people, too, and the last time I checked this is still a free country.”
“Hey! Why not just cut to the chase and quit the nit-picking; you know you want to ban smoking in Petaluma period! While you’re at it, just ban anything that pollutes: fireplaces, cars, trucks, buses, power mowers, leaf blowers, etc. When that bus leaves the bus stop it dumps more carcinogenetic exhaust on someone than another person’s second hand smoke. Get Real!”
“I don’t smoke, but when does this craziness end? Does our city have nothing better to do?”
“It’s a public place. Is this still America? Let’s focus on more important things.”
“No one should have to put up with someone else’s second hand smoke.”
“Personally, I think smoking in public should be banned, but that is just me.”
“Smokers don’t realize how stinky they are. I don’t want the smell of smoke in my hair or clothes while waiting at a bus stop.”
“Yes, we should ban everything. Perfume, cigarettes, bus exhaust, carbon monoxide from cars and trucks, leaf blowers, smelly people, liars, ego-maniacs on the city council, gas from dogs, cats, horses, cows and goats, and bird poop. Or better yet, let’s tax them out of existence. Pretty soon Russia will be a democracy and we will be under rule from the fringe idiots. Does that answer your survey?”

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