
More than half of those responding to an Argus-Courier online poll Jan. 15, 2009 feel that teen drinking is becoming more of a problem in Petaluma.
Of the respondents, 60.5 percent said teen drinking is a growing problem, 20.9 percent said it’s not and 18.6 per-cent said they weren’t sure.
When asked if they know any Petaluma teens who drink, 58.1 percent said yes while one-fourth (25.6) said no and 16.3 percent weren’t sure.
More than half of the poll takers believe the county should adopt a social host and responsible beverage service ordinance, as the city of Petaluma has already done. Some 20.9 percent disagreed with the idea of a county ordinance and 18.6 percent were undecided.
The majority of those responding to the poll (61.9 percent) said they are not aware of parties being held in the Petaluma area for underage drinking.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey:
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“In light of the fatal accident last weekend that in-volved an all-egedly drunk teenage driver, this survey couldn’t be more timely. Parents need to be held acc-ountable. It is possible to raise happy, popular, well-adjusted kids in this town without allowing them to attend parties where alcohol will be served. Many parents are simply afraid to be parents. And the results can be tragic.”
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“Unfortunately, these parties are given by the parents. Who is going to be blamed for this death? Parents need to stop drinking parties for their underage kids and friends. Parents, lock up your liquor cabinets. We now have a new teenage death. These people were old enough to know better. They are the only ones to blame. Seventeen is old enough and 18 is old enough.”
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“Kids are going to drink. The harder you make it for them, the more dangerous for the rest of us.”
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“Kids are going to drink and get high despite whatever laws are in place. In order to better dissuade teens from drinking, better preventive educational tools must be implemented and utilized. Kids need to realize how their actions now will affect their futures.”
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“If police find a place or home that is allowing underage drinking, then charge the adults with child endangerment. If there are no adults, fine the owners of the home. Book ’em, Danno! No mercy!”
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“My neighbor allows underage kids to drink at her home all of the time.”
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“Something needs to be done before more teens die!”
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“Teens have drinks and drugs separately or together. It has become a habit into their 20s and 30s and beyond. Look at the recent fatal and near-fatal accidents that have happened involving drug drivers. The penalty shouldn’t be a slap on the wrist, and later another slap on the wrist as has happened over and over again. Let’s do what ’60 Minutes’ did in a report earlier this month: charge drunken drivers who kill someone with second degree murder. It’s about time!”
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“Parents hosting parties should be published in the paper. After what happened at the New Year’s Eve barn party and the death of that boy, it’s got to stop!”
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“Compared to what went on in Chicago when I was a teenager, Petaluma is much saner.”
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“Seems like adult drinking is a bigger problem.”
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“Underage drinking has always been a problem ” it’s just becoming more visible is all. Enforce the laws we already have!”
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“Underage kids have always been drinking. Enforce existing laws.”
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“Underage drinking always has been and always will be around. The only reason that it is an issue is that some people make it one. I was raised in a household that embraced the European context of alcoholic consumption by youths. As a teenager, I was allowed a glass of wine or a watered down ‘real drink’ on special occasions. I am in my 50s now, I drink on occasion and I have never been drunk in my life.”
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“I am an adult who has friends who give parties for their kids and allow drinking. I don’t agree with this at all and will not let my kids attend these parties. I know this question is now being asked because of the incident on New Year’s Eve. The problem there was these people who arrived there uninvited were already drunk or had been drinking before they arrived. This should be something that is the parents fault for letting them drink and providing the alcohol to do so. That makes the kids think its OK because my parents let me and my friends drink. They even provide it for me. The fault starts at home and should end at home. Everyone can be a parent. Not everyone can be a good one. Stop trying to be your kids’ best friend and be a parent first.”
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“This has been an issue for decades in this town. ‘At least I know where they are -‘ Parents often say when confronted with parties on their property. ‘At least it isn’t pot or serious drugs -‘ they claim. Nor is this issue confined to poor kids and poor families. Rich kids and almost rich kids enjoy similar negligence from parents who are too busy or too conflicted to deal with alcohol and drug experimentation ” so it is tolerated and condoned. We actually need a better bunch of adults in this town! Looking at the police log the downtown drinkers wreak havoc, fight, puke and raise hell, while too much attention is paid to kids who are simply emulating the behavior of their slightly-older elders.”
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“Seat belts save lives! The county should adopt laws that limit the sale of alcohol to adults to certain days of the week much like other states. How can you expect a minor to understand the consequences of driving under the influence when they have not fully developed their frontal lobe? Much less while intoxicated. The recent incident in Petaluma is of your average all-American kid who simply made a mistake that will live with him forever.”

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