An Argus-Courier online poll Aug. 28, 2008 asked about the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors’ decision to make current and former county employees pay a greater share of their health care costs.
Results were mixed, with an equal number (38.5 percent) saying “yes” and “no” to the question of whether the supervisors acted appropriately in making that decision. Another 23.1 percent of respondents were not sure.
Asked if the current board of supervisors should be held accountable for promises made by former boards of supervisors, opinions were more clear-cut. Nearly two-thirds (65.4 percent) said “yes,” while 19.2 percent said “no” and 15.4 percent were not sure.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey:
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“How can you go after retired employees who were promised this coverage? It’s hard enough to live on a fixed income.”
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“This should be a lesson! Never, but never, believe any promise made by any government body. It will, at some time, be broken. Take our military personnel, who were promised free medical care after 20 years of faithful service to the country … we pay.”
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“It is easy to pass the buck.”
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“Health care is not a right, it is a responsibility, each of ours.”
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“Why should the retired members have to suffer? They worked all their lives for this and now it’s taken away. So much for trusting your employer!”
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“Why is it always open season on us public employees? Most of us work 30-plus years and this is our thanks for service. How many private employers have 30-year workers? Not many.”
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“Unless there is an employment or contract, I think it is fine to adjust required contributions. Promises to current retirees should be honored.”
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“Please stop crushing people with twisted paradigms; if the union has solutions, listen to them ” not only the CEO.”
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“If one looks at the whole picture, the county is proposing to take away 10 to 25 percent of our pay. Just like anyone else, we have made financial decisions and commitments based on what our salaries are. This includes mortgages, schools, investments, etc. Anyone would be thrown for a loop if they were told by their employer that they were now going to receive less salary for the same amount of hours worked.”
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“Bull—-! A deal is a deal.”
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“Since the Argus has lacked detailed coverage on this issue, I’m amazed that this survey even exists. Why not ask Petalumans how they feel about the Sonoma County supes making decisions on the 24-hour asphalt plant on Petaluma’s border, but not including all of us who live here.”

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