People responding to an Argus-Courier survey Aug. 7, 2008 about a SMART rail system from Cloverdale to Larkspur were strongly opposed to the plan.
Some 68.5 percent of respondents opposed the proposed quarter-cent sales tax increase, which would fund the commuter train and adjacent bicycle/pedestrian path. Two years ago, a similar Argus-Courier poll showed that 51 percent supported a SMART rail tax and 49 percent opposed it. The November 2006 measure received 65 percent of the vote in Sonoma and Marin counties, short of the 66.7 percent needed to pass.
Almost 60 percent (58.3) of the respondents to the poll said they supported a sales tax increase in 2006, but oppose the current proposal.
Of those responding to the survey, 70.1 percent said that even if a commuter train is approved they would not use it.
However, the comments left by survey respondents told a different story, with a majority of the comments supporting the proposal. Here are some of the comments from those who participated in the survey.
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“What would be worth the money is joining the BART regional public transit system where one can actually get to places that one needs to get to. The train to nowhere is just a bad idea with very low utility.”
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“I don’t commute, but would probably use a train for some local travel.”
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“The local municipalities can’t provide enough surface roads for the needs of the public, so it’s time to figure an alternative.”
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“Déjà vu, here we go again! The same ballot measure will yield the same results ” overwhelming support in Sonoma County with not enough support in Marin County. It was Marin that blew it with BART years ago and they’ll blow it with SMART. Hey, this ain’t rocket science, folks!”
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“We needed the SMART train years ago. It will cost a lot of money to build, but even more if we delay. This is one more way that we can break away from our car culture.”
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“We need a range of public transportation options, not more drilling as we go into a post-oil era.”
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“A good idea, but what connections are planned for getting from the station you get off at to where you’re trying to end up? The GG ferry system has cost a fortune to operate and had a huge impact on bus fares and bridge tolls to keep it afloat (pun intended). Would the SMART train be any different?”
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It is urgently needed!”
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“This is a huge waste of money, and SMART (officials) know it. It is totally dishonest. It’s all garbage politics.”
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“I’ve been waiting for this for at least 35 years.”
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“SMART is really DUMB. It won’t relieve congestion and it will create traffic in our towns. “
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“I’m not buying into the hype promulgated by SMART supporters. The train is a waste of money.”
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“Opponents will defeat this measure for the umpteenth time.”
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“No to waste. No to arrogance. No to hype.”
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“We need an alternative to single occupant cars parked on Highway 101. A bonus will be the freight off trucks and on trains.”
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“The SMART train is the environmentally correct thing to do.”
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“It’s time to make it just as easy to use public transit as it was 50 years ago. Let’s forget the petty grievances and build an infrastructure for travel beneficial to everyone.”
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“As I understand it, SMART will push freight trains into the night. Won’t this reduce property values?”
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“Hopefully, this is the final straw. This time we’ll put it to bed forever.”
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“SMART supports the NCRA and NCRA wants to gravel mine the Eel River. So how is SMART good for the environment?”
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“Talk about dumb. It’s all hype. It won’t reduce congestion, greenhouse gases or anything else. Why? It doesn’t go anywhere.”
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“Only 240 Sonoma residents would take the train to Marin. How does this help reduce traffic?”
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“Get on with it! Enough bickering. Build it, please!
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“Question 2 was confusing. I think I got it. I voted for it last time. This time, no way.”
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“I now live in Bremerton, Wash. If I still lived there, I would support the train and use it. Even though I live in Washington, I still keep in touch with Petaluma, my hometown.”

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