More than half those responding to the July 24, 2008 Argus-Courier online poll support extending the lease of city-owned property to the Sonoma-Marin Fair Board for another 36 years.
Of those responding to the survey, 55.2 percent were in favor of extending the lease, while 29.3 percent were opposed and 15.5 percent were unsure.
Less than half (46.6 percent) were in favor of formal agreements on additional uses for the fairgrounds site being approved before a lease extension was granted. Of those responding, 43.1 percent were opposed to requiring the agreements.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey.
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“The fair has gotten a ‘sweet deal’ for years. Who wouldn’t want a $1-a-year lease? It’s time for the fair to give back a little by paying a ‘fair’ and reasonable yearly fee. Especially in these strapped economic times, the city could surely use the additional revenue. All aspects of the lease need to be examined. The extension should not be ‘railroaded’ through hurriedly (as the fair board and certain City Council members would like). There’s too much to consider. I am against granting the extension as is.”
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“These are all of our lands and should not be given away by underhanded dealings.”
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“Keep the fair!”
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“Pushing this forward (in addition to the reversal of CIR/FEIA approval) has really distinguished Rabbitt, Freitas and O’Brien as willing to make decisions that appear untrustworthy.”
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“If, as Councilmember O’Brien said, ‘The issue is simple: We are the landlords; do we want to extend the lease or not?’ then the answer is simple: The lease on the most valuable piece of property in Petaluma should not be extended. The city should take possession of the property and actively manage it in the best interests of the city. It should not be given away to a fair board that cares nothing about the city’s welfare.”
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“The fairgrounds is a gem in the middle of town. We (the citizens of Petaluma) own the land. We should ensure the fairgrounds are used wisely.”
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“This ‘survey’ reads more like a push-poll. Rohnert Park did a masterplan in 2000 and spent a large sum to create a document that within five years was almost useless because of unforseen major changes such as the sale of the stadium, exit of Agilent, and the casino. The true value of the Sonoma-Marin Fair is not measured in revenue for the City. Look deeper! It is sad to see the Petaluma City Council making political points and jabs at each other at the Fair’s expense.”
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“This shouldn’t even be questioned. A decision of this magnitude should definitely be vetted through public discussion and disclosure.”
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“Petaluma is lucky to have a central, well-maintained facility for public gatherings of all kinds. The fair has done an excellent job with the property. Keep it the way it is.”
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“I suport our fairgrounds and the eventual extension of its lease. However, there were serious problems with Monday night’s Council meeting on this issue. First, it was not properly noticed to the public. The request for placing the item on the agenda was signed by Councilmembers O’Brien, Freitas and Rabbitt on July 7, yet the City Manager’s office didn’t receive it until July 15. Why the delay to rush this through? It just so happened that both the City Manager and the City Attorney were both on vacation that week. Neither of them had the opportunity to review the proposed new lease that the Fair Board itself created; therefore there was no staff report. Council Members Harris and Nau admitted that they hadn’t heard anything about the fairgrounds lease situation for 16 months. So how could they possibly be prepared to vote on this? My biggest questions are ‘What is the real motive of Fair Board Members Brian Sobel and Jim Mickelsen, as well as Council Members O’Brien, Freitas and Rabbitt? And, why do the pro-development council majority want the Fairgounds’ own Master Plan omitted from the lease agreement?
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“We love how family friendly Petaluma is.”
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“The fair is a great asset and should remain where it is and managed by the Fair Board and not the City as the mayor would prefer.
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“The fairgrounds is in institution providing the ability for large and diverse options for the Petaluma community. The fair itself needs to remain at that site. The fair provides a venue of for entertainment for all ages from newborn to 100-plus. Think of what will be lost, not on emotions and financial gains of the council Members. The Mayor acted highly inappropriately the other evening, including stalling, unagendized summaries, and adding items to the agenda that were not there. Think about the future of youth and adults alike.”
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“The Fair Board has been doing a good job and should be free to obtain financing to make improvements. The meddlers on the City Council just can’t relinquish total control over every decision.”
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“Petaluma residents need to be a major part of the planning process (not only Mr. Moneybags Political Consultant Brian Sobel). The City of Petaluma needs to earn a high percentage of any and all revenue from any events that happen there. Thirty-six bucks is not a valid, realistic amount of money to earn from an entity such a state agency as the Fair Board. Petaluma needs to make more money off of this deal.”
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“Keep the fair. It’s the last thing this town has that reminds us all of our childhood growing up in this once beautiful charming small town. The town has gotten out of control with its growth, and having the fair here (even though its not the same) reminds us of small town feelings that we will never have here again.”
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“This is the largest City-owned piece of land, central to Petaluma and worth nearly $100 million. Master Pan? Duh!”
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The fair is an anachronism.
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A new police station will require millions in bond funds. You can’t just throw out these ideas without some reference to the city’s master plan, general plan. This is serious stuff- not lightweight planning efforts.
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The fairgrounds, in my opinion are a waste of valuable and need city property. A lease extension will only perpetuate the ugliness of the current use of space.

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