Nearly three-fourths of those responding to an Argus-Courier online poll July 10, 2008 feel that the city should temporarily suspend the use of fireworks during years of high fire danger.
Nearly seventy-two percent of online poll respondents felt a temporary suspension of fireworks use would be a wise move by the city, while 22.5 percent disagreed and 5.6 percent weren”t sure.
When asked if they would support a ban on fireworks in Petaluma, more than half (56.3 percent) said yes, 33.8 percent said no and 9.9 percent were undecided.
Those taking the online poll were also asked if they were avoiding the use of fireworks on the Fourth of July this year because of the rash of wildfires in California: 32.4 percent said yes, 26.8 percent said no and 45.1 percent said they were already planning not to use fireworks.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the survey:
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“Fireworks have always been part of Fourth of July and always will. People just need to enjoy safely. But as always, it”s the bad people who ruin it for the good people.”
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“We are such a tinderbox now and usually are in early July. Let”s not wait until we have big fires in the hills of Petaluma or worse, before we lose homes. The police officers in Petaluma have enough to do without having to scramble and watch out for illegal fireworks.”
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“I support placing a fireworks ban on the Nov. 4 ballot. I live on the west side of town where fireworks have been banned for years. The ban is ignored and both legal and illegal fireworks are used in this area.”
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“Used in the proper location and with proper safeguards, legal fireworks are safer than the lit cigarettes that motorists routinely toss from cars.”
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“I like Petaluma”s fireworks at the fairgrounds much more than the driveway variety. The “ooooh” and “ahhhh” factor is too low and the cost is too high for me to bother. However, I resist permanent bans on anything that doesn”t have a clear and present danger to the community as a whole.”
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“The fire chief has made it clear that fireworks should be illegal in Petaluma. Let the fund-raisers sell cookies.”
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“Sorry, but there is no such thing as “safe and sane” fireworks. They all present a huge fire danger and houses burn just like forests and fields. The time has come to completely ban them.”
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“We live in the fireworks-free zone but many of our neighbors ignore the notice we receive in the mail and continue to set off fireworks every year. The fireworks-free zone needs to be enforced and patrolled.”
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“We live on a street that is not allowed to have fireworks. It is much easier to support a ban if you haven”t been able to have them ” but oh how we miss them.”
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“The fire hazard in town is no different than on a low fire year.”
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“Drinking, dry grass and fireworks are an insane combination.”
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“What if all the groups that used this to raise money had a great “help us out” event where they all shared their information, their needs and perhaps other items to sell for income? Selling fireworks does not inform the community about the significance of the group; it doesn”t build community.”
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“The fairgrounds display is great.”
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“HA! It”s our rights as Americans to make as much noise as possible and blow things up, then feel good about ourselves. Not until an entire house burns to the ground from fireworks will Petaluma enact a ban. (My genuine sarcasm comes from a deep place.)”
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“I cannot believe Petaluma still allows the sale of fireworks! Between the fire danger and the effect they have on animals, I would think we would not allow them.”
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“It is a matter of balance. Some decry the rise of a nanny state with the government taking too much control, others point to irresponsible behavior and carelessness driven by alcohol. It is always dry at this time of year. This year, we have the added challenge of bad air from fires. The smoke from the safe and sanes rests heavy for hours after begin displayed. As for the fund-raising element ” when dance schools and other charitable organizations are forced to sell fireworks, something is amiss. Roll back Prop 13, equalize the taxes and put the money toward good things for all. Our support for schools from a tax perspective is a national disgrace.”
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“Only should be done by professionals.”
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“The risks associated with fireworks far outweigh the financial benefits to nonprofit organizations. We are spending millions of dollars already on fire control during the summer in California.”
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“We are only using the safe and sane fireworks. It”s too bad that others have to ruin our fun by using illegal fireworks.”
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“Fireworks are a nuisance and a hazard. They should be banned. I know that the non-profits sell them as a fund-raiser. What a sad comment on our non-profits if they need to sell hazardous, bothersome, potentially dangerous things to support themselves. It”s shameful that they obviously haven”t the ingenuity or desire to raise money by other means. They take the cheap way out at the expense of peace and quiet and safety. Yes, fireworks should be banned altogether in Petaluma. But, then again, why would a city that thrives on noise ban them? Petaluma allows the noisy races and the noisy fair, so why shouldn”t it allow noisy fireworks as well?”
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“People should really take into consideration the fire danger. Every year is different, and this year just happens to be a very dry one. Please be safe!”
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“They are dangerous and used improperly. People leave all the litter from them on the streets and use them in areas they should not. I have had people come on my block in front of my house, unload all their kids, start letting off fireworks with them going all over the place and when they are done, pack up their kids, leave all their trash and firework residue and go back home. In the mornings, I”ve found firework pieces in my back yard that have flown in over the fence and house. Get rid of them; they are not needed. We have places to watch them and at the fairgrounds where they are properly supervised and there are firefighters to watch over them. Those are the only places where they should be allowed to be set off. That is the only place that the public should be allowed to set them off.”
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“It”s the fourth of July!”
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“One major fire in Petaluma caused by fireworks will wipe out any good it”s doing for the non-profits. Get rid of them now!”
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“Be safe and have your water hose (on) right by you.”
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“Where”s the news coverage about the Petaluman who blew off his fingers on the Fourth of July 2008 due to his own stupidity of lighting off his illegal fireworks in Petaluma? Are we going to have to wait until more people blow themselves up or light homes on fire before we deal with this?”
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“Petaluma is a responsible family-oriented community.”
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“Time to just stop.”

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