More than half of those responding to an Argus-Courier online poll May
29, 2008 said that smoking should be banned in city parks.
When asked if the city should consider a broader ban on outdoor smoking in public places, including restaurant patios, building entryways, ATM machines and sidewalks, 59 percent of survey respondents said yes while 39.4 percent disagreed and 1.5 percent weren’t sure.
Nearly 70 percent of respondents said that they have been affected by secondhand smoke in city parks and other outdoor public areas while only 30 percent said they were not affected by it at all.
Just over half of the survey respondents said they thought secondhand smoke was a problem in city parks and other public areas. Nearly 38 percent said it wasn’t a problem and 9 percent said they weren’t sure.
Here are some of the comments by those who responded to the poll:
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“It’s a tough call overall. Smoking should be enforced in close proximity places such as restaurant patios. Allowing people to smoke right outside the front door of local medical office buildings is completely ridiculous. But banning smoking smack dab in the middle of a green (not fire prone) city park away from play structures and loads of people is questionable.”
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“Smoking regulation is a low priority for the city to consider regulation. Let people be responsible for themselves.”
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“There is nothing positive about smoking.”
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“I have never smoked, but suffer from a variety of lung problems including asthma, due to my exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke while growing up. Today, just passing by someone smoking will often trigger an asthma attack.”
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“Nothing ruins an outdoor event more than being near a smoker.”
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“I thought smoking was already banned in city parks. Most smokers nowadays are not as intrusive to others as they had been in the past. I believe smokers nowadays are more conscious of the effects of second hand smoke on other people and try to minimize that intrusion. Funny, automobile exhaust and diesel exhaust are carcinogenic and drift into the parks, why not ban cars and trucks from a 100-yard radius of a park?”
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“Smoking should be banned altogether. Nothing positive about it. Just makes people sick.”
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“Smoke is any public place is not good for any human beings.”
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“Other cities are well ahead of us on this. We should copy Arnold S, and set up smoking tents!”
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“It’s not just the effect it has on my breathing or the offensive smell from the burning cigarettes, but also the ugliness of cigarette butts tossed on the ground.”
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“I find it ironic that many of the same people who claim this is about health issues are the same people who have no problem scarfing down artery-clogging foods, or knocking back a few and then convincing themselves that they’re OK to drive. Gamblers can go to casinos, drinkers can go to bars. Where can smokers go? Since cigarettes are still a legal commodity, there is a responsibility to ensure smokers’ rights. Perhaps the self-righteous non-smoking community should mount an attack against the tobacco companies instead of continually ostracizing those who have become addicted to the product.”
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“Smoke-free is disability accommodation. I have life-threatening asthma that can be set off by just a couple of whiffs of cigarette smoke (manufacturer’s chemical additives). I can’t take my child to most outdoor events and must be very cautious whenever we’re at the playground. I have to keep oxygen tanks in the car and my inhaler and respirator on me at all times. All because someone might feel the need to light up.”
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“Smoking stinks, distracts and is unhealthy. I quit 10 years ago.”
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“Let’s move on to issues that are truly critical for our community.”
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“This is carrying it a little to far. I don’t like when people smoke around me but these folks are addicted. We should help them with the addiction not punish them. We love to punish but not to assist.”
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“Smoking should be banned in the city. The sale of tobacco products should also be banned within the city.”
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“Don’t people know that smoke goes up when you are outside. It doesn’t hang around. That’s why people enjoy smoking outdoors.”
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“Non-smokers should not have to breathe other people’s smoke.”
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“Putnam Plaza is an exception to the ban. Why? The smoking there is probably 20 feet from any restaurant’s doors. Except maybe toward the street end.”
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“Your questions are too broad. Entryways yes, you’re forced to go through a cloud of smoke. Totally open patios of a certain size, no, but a small confined patio where the smoke can only drift in your direction, yes. Sidewalks no. ATM machines no. Every place and situation has to be considered on its own. You cannot lump all areas together.”
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“There should also be laws about the proper disposal of cigarette butts. It is littering. Outside Gale’s bar downtown the sidewalk is full of cigarette butts. It is disgusting!”
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“I think it is not fair to ban smoking outside. I don’t really smoke, maybe a few every now and then. Smokers have rights too. I live up in Washington near Seattle. Recently they banned smoking on the Seattle ferries, which I believe is really stupid. They used to be able to smoke on the back of the ferry outside, not now. What’s it going to be next, ban smoking in your own house? I believe we are on our way to a dictatorship. People need to get a life.”
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“It is only a problem if the smoking person is right on top of you. Otherwise no problem, after all we are outside.”

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